Step 2 – Design

Community Charrette

Specific opportunities and issues are included in the plan design phase along with planning proposals to achieve Lander’s desired future. Lander engaged in a community planning charrette to advance the goal setting process. A charrette is an intensive time of planning activity and occurred Tuesday October 25th, 2011. Nearly 65 persons from the community participated. Results were summarized and presented to the community on October 26th at a public meeting. Follow the link below for the summary presentation.

Lander Master Plan Charrette Summary

Lander Master Plan Charrette Presentation

Lander Planning Goals and Objectives – Currently Under Review by the Steering Committee

Final Draft Transportation Goals

Draft Future Transportation Map

Lander Pathway System

Final Draft Natural Resources Goals

Final Draft Land Use Goals

Final Draft Design Goals

Final Draft Intergovernmental Relations Goals

Growth Scenarios

Growth Scenario 1

Growth Scenario 2

Growth Scenario 3

Land Use Table